Monday, October 14, 2013

6 more

I went to radiation this morning, and then took the pup to the groomer this afternoon.  She's much more acceptable to the humans in the pack now -- washed, trimmed, teeth brushed, de-burred, etc.  Allowed back on the couch in my office.

My mom called and wants to come visit -- "to put her arms around me."  I'm trying to decide whether I should go to Cleveland or let her come here, given how much I know she doesn't want to travel.  Need to discuss w/ B&B to figure out which is less stressful for us.

With no school today, Ben did a bunch of Spanish homework, after having done science and math earlier this weekend.  We're all looking forward to the day he'll be caught up -- which we all think could be tomorrow or Wednesday.  As Bill says, it would be a most excellent birthday present for him.  Not that we're doing much of a birthday celebration.  He's going to his Best of the Best CEO Exchange group tomorrow (like his Ladies Night, they've been meeting for decades now, albeit a couple times a year as opposed to every week), so we'll celebrate Wednesday.

We woke up to a thunderstorm this morning, which is really unusual.  Thunder is almost always a late afternoon/early evening event in Colorado.  And then, at 7:45 am, it HAILED.  Good thing Ben did have the day off from school because that's just when he would be riding his bike in the morning.  My car windows were cracked, so when I left for radiation, there was a pile of tiny little hail stones on the passenger seat.  Crazy!

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