Monday, December 2, 2013

Getting ready

I got my new schedule for Houston later this week.  Assuming that our airport isn't shut down by the big snow storm and Artic cold front that is blowing into town as I write, I'll be getting on a plane Wednesday evening, after an all day meeting in Golden.  Then, my tests start at 6:15 am.  Oy!  I'm hoping I'll be done in time to go to dinner w/ Bill @ 7 pm, but we'll see.  My MRI is scheduled for 4 pm -- the last test.  But in August, my last test was 3 hours late, so who really knows.  They changed the plastic surgeon for the surgery.  As I've said before on this blog, while I really really care about the cancer surgeon doing a good job, I feel that the plastic surgeon's role is equally important with me, because my quality of life going forward is dependent on how well he puts my arm back together.  So, knowing that the plastic surgeon is not the one my cancer surgeon would have chosen as his #1 is a little disconcerting.  Especially on top of the fact that I will meet him the day before surgery.  And on top of the fact that the appointment still isn't set up.  But I'm good, right?  I printed out the article about forearm reconstruction after sarcoma removal to give him, just in case he hasn't seen it. ...

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