Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Date

I will have my surgery @ MD Anderson on Wednesday 9/25.  A little far out but they've decided that, since the tumor is out and they don't see any other nodules on the MRI, and they believe this is a slow growing cancer, waiting that long is acceptable, especially given that it's the first day they can get the hand/wrist reconstruction surgeon they want in the operating room with the surgery oncologist together.  I'll meet Dr. Chang, the reconstruction surgeon Tuesday or Monday before (and have a bunch of tests and sign a bunch of consent forms).  Shelly will come to Boulder to make sure Ben eats, sleeps, climbs and does his homework; my mom will come camp out in Houston as long as I'm there, and Bill will come to Houston for the surgery (two, maybe three nights) and then go back to Boulder.  It will depend on whether I'm out after 3 nights (which would mean relatively little muscle/tendon/vascular damage and I turn out to be a quick healer) or 7 (i.e., more damage and slower healing) who escorts me home.  Mom will return to Cleveland once I'm released.  Let the logistics begin.

Meanwhile we're here in Cleveland.  My BFF from here is Meg.  We've known each other since I was 4, we walked to school together every day and processed the night and the day, our lives have circled each other's like ribbons -- sometimes touching (we both lived in southern California for a year) and sometimes passing by -- but always in touch.  She came to pick us at the airport, even though there was no need.  She wanted to see me, and give me a hug, and we promised beforehand we wouldn't cry and we didn't, although it took some strategic glances away.  Made me feel so safe inside.  You, my friends and family are what are getting me through this!

Now on to the big wedding and a chance to ignore, if not forget, the subject of this blog.

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