Thursday, August 22, 2013


Good news: thanks to Eve's persistence, I am the proud owner of two test and one Dr appointments for next week at MD Anderson.  Hooray!  Thank you Eve.

Accepting these appointments meant ditching some work, which was hard, even though there's absolutely no question about the priorities.  Still.  So I spent the day looking for someone else to testify to the New Mexico Legislature's Drought Committee on the environmental aspects of the Colorado River Basin Study.  Ultimately, I was able to give their legislative counsel some options -- and he seemed truly surprised and appreciative that I had bothered to do so, as opposed just to canceling.  What's funny is that, when I agreed to do the New Mexico testimony, I had to give up two other work related meetings.  A friend suggested I just accept that Wednesday August 28 2013 was simply not going to be a day for me to talk about the Colorado River, for a change

Ben started high school, got a great locker (upper, in the cafeteria -- who knew?), said he liked his teachers. He was pretty animated about it, too, which is nice. I made chicken saag for dinner, we ate on the deck (not too hot!).  Afterwards, I joined the Ladies at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMOCA) for a "cosmos and collage" event.  Here's my product:

Leaving, I grossed the Ladies out by showing them my arm, causing one of them almost to pass out.  What's funny is that, as horrifying as it looks, it makes me wistful, because the next step is likely to result in something that's going to look worse.  Everything is relative.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melinda - Just letting you know that I'm following your journey. SO glad you got an appointment in August!
    Elizabeth (TU)
