Friday, September 20, 2013

3 down; 22 to go

OK, I'm not sure how interesting this is going to be, this counting down of the radiation treatments.

I had lunch w/ my friend Craig, who's both clerked for and argued in front of the Supreme Court.  He gave me a big pep talk.  All about staying on the sunny side of life, keeping my chin up and being positive.  All that placebo effect, mind-over-matter stuff.  Very sweet (and from his standpoint, thought out before hand, if not downright calculated).  It didn't stop me from getting nauseous in advance, during and after the treatment, but maybe a little less.  I also had a cup of calming tea (and crumpet) before I arrived at treatment this afternoon.

The ladies of radiation (the first day there were four of them, but these last two days, only 3) have been busy figuring and calculating.  Today, after the initial, long, painstaking set-up, they were able to come back in between zaps 4 and 5 and move the table, but not my body, so that the whole process took less time because they obviated the need for a 2nd set up.  Basically, the treatment disk starts under the table to my right, shooting up, and moves counterclockwise around me, with the 3 middle shots each above the table shooting down @ my arm from different angles, and then the final one, after the re-positioning (as I tried to explain yesterday), shooting up from underneath the table.

Meanwhile, I got a sweet note from my friend Laura in Montana.  Eve came by for Sol this afternoon, and we chatted.  Jack returned our shop vac, minus one important piece which makes our vacuum cleaner useless..  We got our FEMA reimbursement -- laughably small, although, as I said on my Facebook page, more than we got from our insurance company, which was zero.  I made a donation of a rounded up amount to our synagogue, which has a six figure damage bill (ours in low fives).  And while the moon is no longer full, it was very large, white and bright this evening when I walked Val.  Maybe sometime soon they'll open the open space trails, and the roads Bill rides on his bike, back up to casual traffic -- the flood damage continues to be stunning in its breadth, even as we're able to navigate around it for our everyday lives.

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