Still now word back from MD Anderson re: how long I have to spend down in Houston after the graft surgery. And -- out of the cast -- my arm is now killing me, it's so sore! The OT says this is completely normal, b/c the muscles are having to work again, and one of them isn't there. So all the work on the extensor side of my forearm is being done by tendons, which are tight. Plus my arm is happiest in the sideways aspect that it was when held in the cast, and the fascia that holds it there has also tightened and weakened. Ugh.
The better news is that we were allowed to bring Smokey home from the hospital yesterday before dinner. He's pretty weak. Bill and I have the unenviable task of giving me multiple pills twice a day. But this morning his breathing was no longer labored and within normal beats-per-minute range. He's drinking a ton, consistent with his being on a diuretic (to pull out the fluid in his lungs). Unfortunately, he still hasn't eaten anything, so we're hardly out of the woods yet. And, even if the acute phase smoothes out, it's still 'end stage' heart failure. At least he spent the afternoon sleeping in a sunbeam.
It's my mom's birthday today -- Happy Birthday Mom!
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