Thursday, January 16, 2014


I am set for surgery here in Boulder County to get a skin graft on the open wound on my arm and fix my tendon (by attaching the severed/damaged middle finger extensor tendon it to my ring finger's) next Tuesday.  I'm psyched.  Dr. Reid removed the VAC and said the wound, which is much bloodier than it was two days ago, and certainly than it was last week, looked great, ready.  He did not think it would be a problem to do the tendon surgery at the same time, although he would also have been fine waiting. 

Bill's family has this running joke about when things will happen (answer:  Tuesday).  The answer is always Tuesday when the real answer to the question is either never, when the cows come home, or how do you expect me to know?  Still, I'm hopeful!

Tomorrow, I'll send the VAC back, get myself discharged from home health care (for VAC dressing changes) and tell MD Anderson I'm going to continue to be their patient for sarcoma follow up, but not for plastic surgery and reconstruction.  That means I'll need to go back to Houston in March (90 days) for scans.  But not try to play this crazy game about wanting definitive answers about dates when they aren't comfortable providing them long-distance.

I'm unbelievably psyched given that I know this surgery is going to be painful (based on August, at least, when the graft was excruciating) and require -- once again -- lots of OT, both because of the tendon and repair and to continue the forearm recovery.  But that's my Meyer Briggs J personality coming to the fore.

I wish I could report that the cat is better as well.  But, sadly, I can't.  He's eating at least, and not just shrimp but ordinary kibble.  However, he can barely walk.  It's like his legs are so brittle he can no longer jump down from things because they might break.  If this condition doesn't improve by Saturday, we may be ready to make the tough decision.  It's just too sad to watch him trying to move around.

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